Trans-Epithelial Surface Treatment
This is an advanced form of surface laser treatment.
Firstly, with precision, we laser the surface layer of the eye (epithelium), such that it exposes the corneal stromal surface. Next, the laser is programmed to remove the exact amount of corneal stromal tissue, according to the data collected during your examination. This achieves the shape required to improve the vision of the patient. Following the treatment a bandage contact lens is placed over the cornea for a few days as the epithelial layer rapidly grows back across the surface of the cornea.
- It is an all laser procedure.
- No suction is required to stabilize the cornea.
- It avoids the potential for any flap complications during treatment.
- It is less invasive.
- There is less risk of long-term corneal biomechanical instability.
- No mechanical separation of epithelial layer occurs.
- The removal of the epithelium is achieved by the laser to microns of accuracy
The only disadvantage of this treatment as compared to LASIK is a longer visual recovery time with discomfort for first 2-3 days.
Who is a good candidate for Trans-Epithelial Surface Treatment?
- When there is doubt that corneal strength and stability may be compromised in the long term. Hence, more apllicable for safety.
- Where there is an increased possibility of LASIK flap complications e.g. small, deep set eyes.
- When treating patients who participate in contact sports e.g. rugby, martial arts etc. or engage in activities with enhanced risk of injury e.g. fire officers, police personnel and the armed forces etc.
- When treating patients who are highly anxious or having a particular phobia about flap creation.
- For some re-treatment of patients who have had previous corneal surgery.